Our Services
1. We provide NDT inspection services mainly to the Aerospace Sector, but can provide the same quality inspections and service to the Industrial Sector.
2. Our highly skilled and approved NDT Technicians provide a 24/7 365 days a years cover including AOG, in the UK or abroad.
3. Inspection of commercial aircraft, fixed wing and rotary, also vintage and historical restoration.
4. Through our associate companies we are able to offer or arrange almost any type of testing.
5. Level 3 services, and NDT Training
6. Technique writing
7. Manufacture NDT Reference pieces
8. Advanced NDT Techniques such as Phased Array Ultrasonic and Eddy Current Array
9. We hold many Ex-RAF Aircraft NDT Reference Pieces including the only complete set for the Vulcan, Canberra in existence, Hunters, Bulldog, Chipmunk and Jet Provost.
10. Visual inspection by use of Drone
Our Aerospace PCN and EN4179 personnel are highly qualified
and approved to perform the following NDT methods:

Eddy Current Inspection
High Frequency
Low Frequency
Rotary Bolt hole inspection
Thickness coating
Eddy current Array

Ultrasonic Inspection
Pulsed Echo
Phased Array
Thickness readings

Bond/Resonant Testing

Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection

Magnetic Particle Inspection

Visual Aid Inspection

Radiographic Film Image

Set up for Aircraft Radiography